What are we talking about?!
See a word that’s unfamiliar or just want to brush up on some paranormal terms? C.A.P.A. has you covered!
Angel: A celestial being, said to appear in human form. These beings are said to possess miraculous abilities such as healing powers and teleportation.
Anomaly: An abnormal occurrence not easily explained.
Apparition: An unexplained visual figure.
Banish: To drive out or remove from a place
Bigfoot: A large “ape-man” like creature often reported around the world. Bigfoot has several names depending on location of sightings. Yeti, Sasquatch and Swamp Ape are some of the names associated with the creature.
Cleansing: A mild form of exorcism used to purify a location.
Crypto-zoology: The research of legendary or mythical creatures such as Bigfoot, Chupacabra and various lake, river and sea monsters. It is to be noted that several creatures that were among these creatures have been discovered such as the Giant Squid or Kraken and Orangutan.
Demon: An evil or hostile non-human entity. Said to be a fallen angel.
Demonic Oppression: Demonic Oppression is the occurrence of a demonic force taking over a persons thoughts or will over time. The victim may suffer depression, suicidal thoughts as well as the will to inflict harm unto others.
Doppelganger: A person’s identical counterpart. Some traditions portray doppelgangers as a harbinger bad luck. With modern technology some see this as a result of cloning.
Elemental Spirit: Elementals are beings usually described through occult and alchemical works throughout Europe. There are four elemental categories: Gnomes, Salamanders, Undines and Sylphs. These four correspond to the elements of antiquity: earth, water, fire and air.
E.M.F.: EMF or electromagnetic frequency is the electromagnetic force in any given area. EMF is unseen with the naked eye. EMF meters are used during investigations in several instances, before the investigation to measure a baseline reading to determine the natural or regular EMF and during investigations to detect any fluctuations. Usually high, unexplained readings of EMF may indicate a spiritual manifestation or paranormal phenomena.
Entity: A disembodied being. More commonly known as a ghost or spirit.
E.V.P.: Audio recording of a disembodied voice or sound. Otherwise known as Electrical Voice Phenomena
Exorcism: The religious practice of evicting demons and human or non-human entities from a person or location they have possessed.
Extraterrestrial: A being or object not of Earth.
Golden rod: An anomaly rarely captured on video at a location thought to have paranormal activity. Visually, they are bright white or yellow lines rapidly moving throughout the location.
Grey: An extraterrestrial most commonly described by alleged abductees and witnesses. These beings are slender, greyish skin , large heads with large black eyes.
Fear Cage: Fear Cages, otherwise known as EMF shields, are areas within a building or location typically surrounded by high EMF (electro-magnetic frequencies). Continued exposure to these high frequencies for extended periods of times may cause a number of side effects including paranoia, hallucinations, skin irritation, nausea and the feeling of being watched. These side effects can easily be misconstrued as signs of a haunting or paranormal activity.
Haunting: The presence of ghostly entities within a location. There are a few types of hauntings. Intelligent, the entities involved with these haunts are responsive. They know you’re there and will/can interact. Residual, This is a replay of spiritual energy. Think of a home movie on loop. Poltergeist, mischievous haunts often accompanied with moving of objects and banging of walls. Demonic, the entities involved are non-human and hostile.
Incubus: A male demonic entity that has the capability of sexually arousing/assaulting women.
Infestation: The repeated occurrence of paranormal phenomena.
Jersey Devil: A legendary creature of New Jersey folklore said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey. Several witnesses have accounted sightings of the creature, many describing the being with different characteristics.
Lepke: A type of entity that appears solid and life-like in form and sometimes speaks with someone. These ghosts most commonly appear in or near cemeteries.
Levitation: A phenomenon sometimes reported in hauntings, particularly in poltergeists, of objects or people being lifted and moved by an unknown entity.
Lore: A collection of information or beliefs. “Werewolf lore”.
Materialization: A ghost or spirit appearing gradually or suddenly.
Matrixing: The natural act of the human brain perceiving information, visually, audibly or smells, as something it’s not. In other words, your brain will find logic in illogic thus creating sights, sounds and smells that aren’t there.
Oppression: Oppression is the state of prolonged cruel or ill treatment. (see Demonic Oppression)
Ouija Board: A board game used to talk with spirits. This can be a very dangerous instrument used to invite unwanted, invasive or hostile entities. We at C.A.P.A. strongly advise against using them.
Possession: When the body is invaded by a spiritual/demonic entity. This can greatly influence the actions and personality of the host.
Precognition: The ability to psychically envision future events.
Retrocognition: The ability to psychically envision past events.
Sanguinor: A person exhibiting vampiric tendencies. This could be the urge to ingest human blood.
Seance: A group effort to contact the spirit world. This is usually led by a medium. C.A.P.A. does not endorse or perform seances.
Shuck: A phantom black dog with glowing yellow eyes. Folklore derived from the British Isles wherein hikers who encountered these beasts are doomed to die within one year of the sighting. This legend gave birth to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes novel ‘The Hound of Baskersvilles’ (1902).
Succubus: A female demonic entity that has the capability of sexually arousing/assaulting men. This is the female counterpart of the Incubus.
Tash: The Irish name of a spirit or ghost that can appear to someone in human or animal form.
Telekinesis: A psychic phenomenon where in an object is displaced and remotely moved with mental powers.
Thunderbirds: Creatures in Native American culture described of immerse birds that brought powerful storms in their wake.
Telepathy: The passing of thoughts between minds without the use of the other five senses.
Ultraterrestials: Not to be confused with extraterrestrials, these beings appear human and visit our plane of existence with a mission or message then vanish.
Vortex: The believed entry point to the spirit world. In an expected haunting, these are rarely captured on photographs appearing as translucent white, tube or funnel shaped mass.
Werewolf: A human who can transform into other animals (in most cases a wolf), then back to human. These are also often known as shape shifters.
Zarcanor: A malevolent spirit that attacks people while they’re sleeping. These spirits inspire nightmares, have the ability to cause injuries such as scratch and cause bruises and small finger marks.
Zoomorphism: A deity or devil that is represented with animal attributes.